LACW is an American Prize Finalist

LACW is a  National Finalist for the American Prize in the Band/Wind Ensemble Community Division.

The American Prize National Nonprofit Competitions in the Performing Arts is the nation’s most comprehensive series of contests in the classical arts. The American Prize is nonprofit, unique in scope and structure, and is designed to evaluate, recognize and reward the best performers, ensembles and composers in the United States based on submitted recordings.

Read the announcement here.

Call for Prism Concert Groups

It’s time to plan for the 2018 Holiday Prism Concert.
If you or any of the groups you are a part of are interested in performing a short 5-7 minute portion of this year’s concert, please let me know no later than Tuesday, November 6. (director@lacw.orgThe concert date is Saturday, December 8, 7:00 pm at Crossroads Bible Church
As always, the concept of a “Prism” concert is to break up the performance and the music into its “components” in the way a prism breaks up light. There are no restrictions on style or instrumentation. The only “rules” are that the music must have a holiday or winter theme and the time frame must be observed. The concert is performed continuously “in the round” with minimal applause between the “acts”.
As much as possible, we also like to have all performers participate in the finale which this year is Leroy Anderson’s A Christmas Festival. I will create additional parts as needed to accomodate everyone.
Also by Tuesday, November 6, I will need to know as much of the following as you can give me:
1. Name of group and members
2. Title(s) of selections with composer and/or arranger
3. Approx duration.
Several of you have already spoken with or emailed me and do not need to reconfirm – I have you on the schedule.  However, I do want to stress the necessity of the 5-7 minute time limit. Please try to stay within that duration.  Lastly, please extend this invitation to other musicians in the community. We would be happy to have you join us!
Hope to hear from you soon.
Ted Vives