Semi-Finalist 2021 American Prize

The Los Alamos Community Winds has just been selected as a semi-finalist in the Band/Wind Ensemble Performance—community division of The American Prize national non-profit competitions in the performing arts. Here’s the link:

The American Prize will be announcing finalists in the division soon. You can learn more about this prestigious national competition here:

Holiday Prism Concert – Sat Dec 12

This Saturday December 12 at 2:00 p.m. LACW presents it’s annual Holiday Prism Concert via a concert event on YouTube. A series of performances by members from the community – The Los Alamos Flute Choir, The Covid Clarinets, The SaxAtomix, The LACW Brass, and individual solo performances by flautists Heidi Morning and Tracey Speyrer and LACW director/trombonist Ted Vives all accompanied by pianist Julian Chen.

The concert can be viewed at 2:00 p.m. Saturday, December 12 on YouTube at:

The concert will be free for viewing, but LACW would request that anyone planning to watch the concert ot please register with EventBrite at: