Summer Sound Files

YouTube links to music we are playing this summer.  Please use these to familiarize yourselves with the music.

The Sting

Guardians of the Galaxy

George M/ Cohan Patriotic Fantasy
(not a great recording, but the best one I could find)

Taps – Eternal Father

MacArthur March (this arrangement is not organized the same as ours, but its close enough to give you an idea of the piece.)

From Sea to Shining Sea
(full piece uses strings and choir, but it’s the same arrangement)

Navy Log March (again, put together a little differently but overall close enough)

2017-18 Officers and Board Members

Thank you to everyone who attended the rehearsal and general meeting last night. Congratulations to our 2017-2018 officers and board members:
Paul Campbell – President
Heidi Morning – Secretary
Amanda Barry – Treasurer
Julie Elliott – Librarian
Julian Chen, Tracey Speyrer, Alan Hurd (alt.) – Members-at-Large

Summer Concerts

Thank you all again for a fine performance last night. Very challenging literature and performed quite well. Congratulations!!

Just a reminder, that there is no rehearsal for the next 2 weeks. We will resume on Tuesday, May 9 to read through music for the summer and have our annual membership meeting. Please try to attend even if you aren’t playing this summer as we will be going over plans for next season and as always seeking ideas and input from the membership.

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